Find your Happy In The Now and build your Vision For The Future
Service Description
Finding your Happy in the Now and your Vision for the Future... We focus on these two areas separately but concurrently. To find your Happy in the Now we focus on... Where you're at now. What makes you happy now and what makes you unhappy, stressed, anxious or down? What are you doing now that helps you and is good for you and what are you doing that is bad for your and hinders you? We'll look at your habits: lifestyle, sleep and rest, work, wellbeing and self-care, your relationships. Your beliefs, your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. In short, we want to know what you need to do more of or start doing and what you need to do less of or stop doing. To build your Vision for the Future we focus on... What it is you really want. Who are you really? What have you achieved to date and what have you hope for or dreamed of that hasn't happened yet? What's truly and deeply important to you and what might you be doing for someone or something else? What are your deepest needs, dreams and desires? Perhaps there are even parts of you that haven't yet found a voice. I can help create the space for your deepest truth to emerge. This framework can be applied to any aspect of your life. You just need to decide where to focus your efforts. This usually requires a bit of digging deep and a lot of being honest with yourself but it's well worth the time and effort. And I'm here to help you do it all.
© 2022 by Bex Tindle Coaching & Well by Bex